First I will start with the happy exciting thing. Abbie started kindergarten today. I was more scared about it than she was. It was a little hard watching her get on the bus this morning. I know that she had a great time today. Kaleb will start preschool in a couple weeks. He doesn't start until September 14. He doesn't understand why he's not going yet and Abbie is. I think that he misses his sister. They may beat up on each other but they have a great bond that I think will be there forever.
Sophia is finally walking it only took her till she was almost 14 months old to do it but she finally did. She is such a sweet little girl, but we have discovered that she has her mothers lack of patience and temper.
Now I am going to step onto my soap box and tell you a story about a three year old boy named Marcus. Just over two weeks ago hundreds of people came together in search of this little autistic boy who went missing from one of the parks just a few miles down the street from us. He went missing after his foster mother passed out due to heart problems. Now two weeks later the foster parents have been charged with his death and many other counts. Well over the last couple of days the real story has come out and it truly breaks my heart. Back on August 4 the foster parents David and Liz Carroll wrapped Marcus in a blanket with his arms behind his back and then wrapped packaging tape around him. Leaving his head uncovered. They locked him in a closet and then left for 2 days to go to a family reunion. When they came home he was dead. They did not do anything until on Aug. 10 a social worker came by and they told her he was in bed sick. The social worker had bad knees and did not go up to see him. At that time if I understand correctly David Carroll had already taken Marcus’ body out to a farm about 40 minutes from here and burn him. August 15 was when they staged this whole thing were he went missing at the park. It’s a sick and twisted story that just truly boggles my mind that people really are that evil. Here are a couple of links if you want to see anymore info on this. , I think what bothers me most about this is that this little boy died probably never really knowing what it was like to be loved. It just breaks my heart that he had to go through so much at such a young age. It makes me look at my life and realize how truly blessed it has been.