Saturday, January 14, 2006


I snuck downstairs for a few minutes to get some laundry done and thought I would jump on the computer for a few minutes. Saturday's are the longest day of the week for me. It's the one day of the week when I am home the whole day by myself with the kids. Justin works days on Saturday so he leaves here about 8:45 and he'll get home around 7:30. Sometimes the kids and I will go out, but it's a lot harder to do things with 3 kids. I think once Abbie and Kaleb are a little older it will be easier, but right now I just can't do it on my own. So today we are spending the day in the house where it's warm. I've done some laundry and straighted up the house. I keep trying to read my book but I just can't seem to get into it. I finally read the 6th Harry Potter book this week. I love all the Harry Potter books. I'm not really sure why because they are not like what I normally read. I don't know what it is about them I just like the books. I really liked this one and I can't wait to see how she ends the story. Justin keeps trying to get me to read his Ted Dekker books but I just don't know if I can. The way my brain works I keep going over and over things in my head and I don't know if I could handle that with the way Ted Dekker writes. A lot of what I read are not too deep suspence and romance basically my way to get away from everything. There are a couple of good Christian authors that I like but sometimes their storys see very cheesey to me.
Well I spent more time down here than I thougth I would. I guess I better get on upstairs and finish putting away the laundry.

Friday, January 13, 2006

School Conferences

I'm sitting in my dad's computer room in my parent's home. My dad has 3 computers set up around his desk. Abbie is playing on nickjr behind me. It's nice to come down here and be able to play on the computer while Abbie does. This way I know what she's doing at all times. Today we had a conference with Abbie's preschool teacher. It was odd to be going to a conference for one of my children. Her teacher had nothing but good things to say about her. She did say that she is very soft spoken. I wish she was like that more at home. She did say that Abbie doesn't hesitate to volunteer for jobs and doesn't mind getting up in front of the class to say things. I don't know where she gets that from since both of her parents are scared to do that. We have decided to home school Abbie next year. Now we just have to figure out all the things we have to do. I think that Justin is really looking forward to teaching Abbie.

Well I was going to try to type some more but I hear another child calling.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

New Year, Now What

Well we ended the year off with yet another funeral here. I have really gotten to know the men from T.P. White and Sons funeral home. Let's hope that with the new year there won't be as many deaths.

Things have been going great here. Justin is in a happy place and all is well with work. He has two great assistant managers who are really helping him. The kids are all doing well and I'm enjoying life too.

I've decided to use my blog as a journalling tool and accountabilty to help me as I begin this year not with a resolution to lose weight but with a desire to take better care of myslef and the body that God has given to me. I've struggled my entire life with my weight. I managed to get it somewhat undercontrol when I graduated from high school, but that didn't last forever. I currently weigh 110 pounds more than I did when Justin and I got married. Yeah, that's pretty much a whole person more. My desire is to lose 120 pounds before my 10th wedding anniversary in 2007. I have time and a desire now on to the next steps. I'm a chocolate junkie. I love dark chocolate the most. Many know I love to bake and that doesn't help either. I want to say that I am going to give up all junk food cold turkey, but do I believe that I can do this. No not really, but do I have faith that if I actually put all of this in God's hands it will all work out in the end. I know that it's not going to be easy. It never has been. I've let too much go and now I need to stop trying so hard on my own which we can see isn't working and start relying on God's strength.

I'll keep you posted.