Wednesday, May 31, 2006


At the rate that I am going I am going to need a vacation from my vacation. It is very hard to get a family of 5 together for a trip. Justin and I are on opposite schedules until we leave so we don't really have each other for help. Sophia who is now 11 months old is teething like crazy, therefore she is very fussy. I just keep looking forward to Monday. We will be waking up on the beach that day. We are leaving shortly after Justin gets home from work on Saturday and then continuing on on Sunday. I think the kids will do well. They have their DVD player and Leapsters and gameboys. I'm just excited to be going on vacation for an entire week. Justin and I haven't done anything like this since our honeymoon. The big difference this time is the 3 kids and his family coming along. Oh it would be pure heaven if it was just Justin and I going, but I am also excited to have the kids with us. My in-laws will be with us also so I am hoping for some help so I get a chance to relax.

I think I am going to get all my projects at work finished so that is good. We're having a FIESTA the week of June 19-23. Vacation Bible school is our church's biggest outreach to kids in our area. We usually have over 100 kids. That's quite a lot for a church of just over 200 people. My pastor and boss Dave is on fire right now with the mission and growth of our church and it's future. Our church has been around for a very long time and there are some people who come who have been around for quite a bit of that time and are fighting some of the changes. I really feel like something big is going to happen at our church this year as long as we don't let ourselves get caught up in arguing about things. Our Elders have developed a new mission statement for our church its, "Loving Christ by Loving others and leading them to Him" I am excited to see where we go with this and how we actually live it.

Well I was going to sit and relax a long time ago. So now I am going to sit and read for the next couple of hours. I should go to bed but who needs sleep.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Life and other things

Lately I have felt like I am always one step behind on everything. I have all these balls in the air and I think I am doing really good keeping them up there then out of know where one drops and I have to quickly try to get it up again before any more follow. My job, which I love, has all of the sudden become much more demanding. I love this though because I feel like I am actually earning what they pay me. I have taken on a side project designing a powerpoint for a Jewish Messianic Ministry that is working on developing this Field of Hope in Isreal I believe. It's great money and I am having lots of fun playing with powerpoint. The only problem is finding the time to get this done. I don't have time at work because I have work to do. I don't have time really at home because I have house work to do and 3 kids. Sophia is crawling and getting into everything. She's gated in the living room but she finds her way out all the time. Kaleb and Abbie both want my attention which I want to give to them. Kaleb loves playing outside. The weather here has been iffy but it's getting better now and I want him to be able to play outside. The problem there is that our back yard is not fenced in yet. It's on the list of summer things to do but who knows. I don't like to let Kaleb play outside unless I am in the Kitchen where I can see him because he likes to walk off and into the front yard. Abbie would be happy if I let her play on the computer all day long but we've set time limits because we don't want her staring at the computer all day. She has her own computer now that my dad built for her and it's in our living room so we can see everything she's doing which is nice but now she wants on it all the time. I keep telling Justin we need to get them bikes but we have yet to do that. Anyway back to my thoughts at the beginning I just have so many things pulling me. I am also the Co-director for our vacation bible school, which I actually enjoy doing also. That is only 4 weeks away and I have many things to finish before then. The one problem with that is that we are going on vacation June 3 -12. Don't get me wrong vacation isn't a problem it's just I have several things I need to have done before we go. I should say several things I want to have done. There are also several things around my house that need to be done. We're working on them but it's tough. We are going on vacation with Justin's family and his sister is super organized when it comes to things like this. We are renting a house on the beach in Duck, North Carolina for one week. She has 5 hugh contains full of things they are taking like we are going to be there for a month. Me I'm lucky to have groceries in the house right now and clean clothes for the kids. I'm thinking I'll stop at Wal-Mart on the way and get the rest of the things that I need. We don't have enough room in our van to begin with. I am not packing everything. I just feel like I am behind on things but I keep telling myself that I have kids and Justin's sister doesn't. She also only works part-time so she has more time to get things together.
I know everything will work out in the end and I will get it all done because somehow I always do. Now though I need to go and get some address put in the computer and type a letter to the radio station we want to have our Vacation Bible School announced on and well you know there's just a lot, but I love it all.