Monday, July 25, 2005

LIFE!! Where's the pause button!

OK so Sophia will be four weeks old tomorrow. Where has the time gone. Sophia Ellen Clark was born at 9:34am on Tuesday June 28. This was after my doctor was an hour late because he over slept. She weighed7lbs. 14oz. and was 21 inches long. She looks just like Abbie and a little like Kaleb. She has been a real joy. Kaleb wanted to take her home right away. He loves his baby Sophie. Abbie is very helpful. Always telling me it's time to feed the baby. Abbie doesn't like to let her cry. She tells everyone she meets about her new baby sister. I only took two weeks off of work which were very nice. Justin was off for a week also so it was nice for both of us to be home together. Last week we had Vacation Bible School at our church. I was one of the co directors. It was a fun but very busy week. This is my first real week back at church with nothing too pressing hanging over. Sophia is coming with me to work. It is really nice to have a job where I can bring her along.

My boss Dave is still out on medical leave. He's feeling better, but still trying to get his strength back. We had another death in our church this past week. It seems that several of our older members are dying off. Since I have taken over as church secretary we have had 5 deaths in our church. That's 5 in the last 10 months, in a church of about 225 people.

If I knew how to post a picture on here I would. Just to let you know our old email is no longer working ( or Our new email address at home is and my work email is
Iwill try emailing pictures as soon as I can.