Monday, December 06, 2004


In the last few months Justin and I have really gotten to know our car insurance agent. With the van being stolen and claiming the things inside of it and now I rearended someone on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. I was driving Justin's car and it was raining and you know how that goes. His tires suck and I just slide into the car infront of me. Luckily the lady I hit was very friendly we didn't even involve the police. We also found out that we have the same insurance agent. We are very lucky that our insurance hasn't decided they've had enough of us. We actually got a call on Friday that they found our van about 3 miles from where it was stolen. It was in a gas station parking lot, but it hadn't been there the whole time. It's not ours anymore though. We had to sign it over to State Farm before they would pay it off. We are looking now at what things were inside and if we can get any of that back. Life is so strange sometimes.

Please pray for Justin. He is on probation at work. He could actually loose his job as soon as Dec. 20. I am really not worried about the job stuff. I know that God will take care of us and everything will be fine. I just worry about Justin. He is so discouraged right now. He's been trying so hard for a company that he feels just doesn't want to see him do well. I just want him to find something that he wants to do and may allow a little more time for us as a family.

I am still loving my job. I work with 3 great men who don't always get me what they need to on time, but appreciate and tell me so all the time. Abbie and Kaleb are doing great. Kaleb is a very sneaky 2 year old who will get into everything he shouldn't the moment my head is turned. Abbie has a few imaginary friends that she plays with everyday. She also has a split personallity named Donna. When she's Donna she refers to Justin and I as Jennifer and Justin not mom and dad. Abbie is excited about me having another baby. She can't decide if she wants another brother or a sister. She wants a sister that she can share her clothes with. She's deffinately a girl. I think Kaleb would like a brother so he could have a good wrestling buddy that doesn't cry all the time.