Monday, August 30, 2004

I have a Job

As I sit here at the computer in the office of my church and look around I think what am I doing. Today is my first day as our church's new office manager. Yes I many things that I should be doing at the moment but I thought that I would take the time to ask my friends to pray for my family and I. We are making a major change to our lives starting today. I don't think that it will feel too major, but when ever there is change you just don't know. I have great hours here. I work from 9-1 Monday - Friday. Justin's worked his schedule to watch the kids everyday except on Tuesdays. He has to work days on Tuesdays so then I will bring the kids here for 4 hours. It's a very strange excitement that I have. I have no fear of the job itself. My biggest fear is the phone, but I am an adult and I will have to overcome that fear. As in any new job Dave, the Pastor here, will not be in till this afternoon. So I will be here on my own all morning. My first job is to clean this office. Let me tell you that is not an easy job to do. I am so excited and happy and a little scared by all this, but I know that God had his hand in this the whole time. Life just seems to have finally settled itself. Well I guess I better get back to my first day at work. Wow that just sounds so weird.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Our church is part of a denomenation know as the Christian and Missionary Alliance. The focus of all the churches is on building people to go into the mission field. Wether that be outside of the USA or here. One of the things that they do for teens is called Life. It's held every few years and it brings all the teens together from all the churches. This year our church sent 6 teens to Phoenix, AZ for 5 days. There was a total of 7000 teenagers who went. They had sessions and big groups things that make me long for those good old Apex retreats. This past Sunday the teens that went and our Youth Pastor lead the message part of our service. They told us of the things they learned and what they liked most. I learned that someone I have know since he was 5 should really look into being a youth pastor or a preacher. He had a way about him on the stage that showed how comfortable he was and I would never have thought it. our youth pastor Stan is part of our small group. Stan is 28 and his wife Nicole is 27. Stan was telling us of the things he took away from the trip but also of how satan can use so many things to take us down from our high and make us doubt it all. on the last day of the trip Stan was having what you would call a shitty day. He woke up to find that he had pink eye. He ran into a post, while trying to hand someone money they dropped, and put a pretty good cut in his leg. After dealing with several little things going wrong he got a call from his wife. Nicole called to tell him that her and there two kids Zachary (2) and Trinity (8 months) were in a car accident. It had been raining here and her ford focus hydroplaned and then flipped on the highway. By the grace of God they all walked away with not even a scratch. If you looked at the outside of their car you would have thought for sure they would have all been hurt very badly. The inside of the car though looked almost completely untouched. What amazed me about this story as Stan was telling us was how Stan knew that God was taking care of them all. I knew that Nicole was fine and all, but I did not know how Stan found out and how his day had been when he found out. I don't know where I am going with this. I just wish you could know Stan and see the passion that he has. Stan has a lazy tougne and when he speaks and he's excited about something you have a hard time understanding him, but he makes you want to listen. The love he has for the teens is such a great thing. I feel blessed to have him as a friend in my life.

On another note, I've been praying that my best friend Angie's husband would come to church. Angie and I have been friends since we were little girls and her husband is actually an ex boyfirend of mine. I have been praying for them and for Jeff for some time now. I prayed during the service on sunday, and then I turned and looked around after the service and who did I see but Jeff. I talked briefly with them after the service but we had to leave because Justin had to go to work. When I talked with Angie on Tuesday I found out she didn't know that Jeff was going to come to church on Sunday either. She has been praying for sometime for him to come too. It was just a weird and wonderful thing to see and hear. I just keep praying that he'll keep coming.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

houses suck!!

Our house is a little over one year old and it has had more problems than I want to deal with. The wall in our family room has a crack. Only about 4 feet of the wall is below ground. Well the last few times it's rained the carpet in the corner was wet. But we were never able to find where the water was coming from. About a week ago the builders came out and cut 4 nice large holes in our dry wall and pulled out the insulation and still found nothing really. The guy saw a crack but we weren't sure that was were all the water was coming from. Well lucky for us we have had a very rainy summer and on Friday night we were able to see that yes the little tiny hairline crack can let a heck of a lot of water in to our house. So today I am waiting for the guys to come and figure out how they are going to reseal and fix this problem permenately so that I can have the pad replace and the carpet fixed. The worst thing about all this is that I am severly allergic to mold and mildew. To come downstairs for any length of time lately has been hard. I get he worst headaches in the world. This means that I can't get on the computer that much either. Which drives me crazy because I can't keep up on things.

This brings me to my confession time. I haven't been a very good mother lately. In fact I just plain suck. I have been completely ignoring my children for about the last 3 months. All I do all day is read. I have been reading about a book a day for a while now. I can't help myself. I just finished a book that I started yesterday afternoon and I am trying with all my might to not go pick up another of the 10 I got at the liberay yesterday and start again. I've been hiding in my own little world lately and I haven't really cared. I have been so wrapped up in myself and how I feel that I haven't thought about my kids and how they are doing. Which they are both really great kids and are doing fine. They love to play together which is great for me. I forget sometimes how old Kaleb is now and all the things that he can do. Abbie is just too much like me when I was her age and I think that scares me. I don't want her to go through all the things that I had too to understand who she is and what type of person she will be. She's too smart for her own good most of the time.

Well that is it for confession time. I'm going to go back to waiting for the guys to come and fix the wall.